Map the System Canada 2018
In 2019 Rosion Dillon from Mount Royal University in Calgary, AB won the Map the System Global competition!
Canadian Finalists 2018
Rosion Dillon presenting at the Map the System 2019 Globals Finals.
Opioid Crisis in Canada
Roisin Dillon has focused her research on the opioid epidemic in Canada, with a particular focus on fentanyl. Many Canadians have passed away as a result of taking illicit substances whilst unaware they are laced with fentanyl, and this research investigates solutions aimed at educating and disseminating information on this topic.
Mental Health in Second Generation Canadians
Team Bridging the Gap explored the mental health and mental wellness outcomes of Second-generation Asian immigrant youth aged 14-25 in the Greater Vancouver region. This group experience unique mental health challenges due to the mental stressors imposed by processes of acculturation.
Team Bridging the Gap presenting at the Map the System 2018 Global Finals